Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gee Whiz! I Must Have Fallen Down A Rabbit Hole!

I have neglected this blog for so long, I should be ashamed. I have actually been quite busy in my YelliKelli shop lately. Lots of customs going on! You can see some of that on the YelliKelli blog. For now, I will post a couple of finds I have listed in my LPT shop on Etsy. This "Big Blue" cone of curly loopy yarn is a great deal...tons of yarn on this baby! And this beautiful copy of "Gone With The Wind" was a thrit store find, but so lovely and in good shape, I think it would be such a wonderful addition to a Southern Girls library! I have been selling lots of my "Double Wide's" lately. These are my serge purge packs of serger scraps. HeyGuys! If you bought one, send me a pic of what you made! I'll post here!
And, speaking of Rabbit Holes, check out my DD's Award Winning Alice Artwork on my YelliKelli blog! Link on the right.
Talk Soon, I promise! Kelly